Thursday, 20 August 2009

Warm Wet Summer

The weather hasn't been particularly kind anywhere near me this summer, but some paddling adventures were still to be had. First was an FCAG trip to Austria. We had seven days paddling, mostly on the River Inn, in colder wet water than at home. Kevin, our club chairman, did a fantastic piece of organisation, as well as guiding us. Austrian rivers are by and large fast and furious, so I've not a lot of photographs.

This trip was followed up by a family outing to the Isle of Man. The weather here wasn't wonderful either, with some strong winds limiting the kayaking I could do. Some lulls in the wind did allow for a few outings though, and good ones at that. The Manx coastline is pretty wild for a reasonably densely populated island. Wildlife normally abounds, but wasn't really showing itself for me.

There are high cliffs around the south and south east, where some big seas were churning up the Irish Sea. Again it wasn't too easy to take pictures because of them!
Another attraction was doing a shuttle by steam train.

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